Dermatology Services

Caring for your loyal companion’s skin, fur and nails with routine veterinary visits.

Did you know that depending on their species, breed and age, your pet’s skin is the largest organ in their body? A dog’s skin, for example, can make up approximately 25% of their body weight. All pets can be vulnerable to all kinds of skin conditions and allergies. For this reason, early diagnosis is absolutely key so that we can keep your pet as comfortable and healthy as possible. During a routine wellness exam, your veterinarian will also conduct a thorough analysis of your pet’s skin. Call us at 613-622-1700 to schedule your next appointment.

What are the signs of skin problems in pets?

Dryness, redness, sores, scaling, itching, shedding and hair loss, as well as behaviours such as excessive licking and scratching are the most common signs of dermatological problems in pets.

When should I take my pet to the veterinary clinic, if I see these symptoms?

We strongly advise that you call our hospital ASAP if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.

What types of skin conditions can cats/dogs/pets develop?

Rashes, hair loss, sores, dandruff, dry skin and lumps are the most common conditions that our canine friends tend to suffer from. Feline acne, mange, abscesses and stress-induced hair loss, on the other hand, are some of the most common dermatological conditions for cats.

What are the causes of skin conditions in pets?

Examples of the main triggers for skin problems in pets are allergies to grass/pollen/dust mites, food allergies, yeast infections, ringworm and lupus. That being said, there are so many more causes of skin issues in pets. In fact, skin problems can also be a sign that your pet is suffering from an undiagnosed condition.

What kinds of treatments are available to address skin issues in pets?

After an in-hospital examination, your veterinarian may prescribe topical and oral medications, as well as laser therapy and traditional surgery, which is typically performed to remove skin growths.

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