Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

Pain-free and non-invasive medical tools that help veterinarians diagnose health conditions.

Radiology is used to obtain crucial information regarding a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, heart, and urinary system. It is also a great diagnostic tool when looking for abnormalities such as foreign bodies or masses. Our veterinarians are trained to interpret and make important decisions that come along with their findings. We are also able to send the images to a board-certified radiologist for further assessment. If you have any further questions about our ultrasound and X-ray services, please do not hesitate to call us at 613-622-1700.

What is the difference between an X-ray and ultrasound for pets?

The decision to use either tool depends on the issue that we are treating. X-rays are usually used for swallowed items, bone fractures and cancers. Ultrasounds are used to examine softer-tissue organs like your pet’s heart and lungs. It is used to identify any organ abnormalities, and analyze for example, if your pet’s heart is pumping properly. We often use ultrasounds and X-rays in combination.

How should I prepare my pet for their X-ray or ultrasound?

Minimal prep is required for both diagnostic screens. That being said, it is ideal if you do not feed your pet anything the morning that they are scheduled to come in for their exam.

Will my dog or cat need to be sedated during their X-ray or ultrasound?

It depends. There are times when manual restraint is enough to keep your pet still long enough for us to obtain scans. More often than not, however, pets are put under anesthesia. This helps lessen their stress and allows us to get the most accurate scans.

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