Weight Management for Pets

Effective techniques to get your loyal companion to their ideal weight.

Maintaining your pet at a healthy weight will increase longevity and improve their quality of life. Being overweight is a common nutritional disorder that can cause, contribute and exacerbate many preventable health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. This makes those yearly examinations that much more important to monitor their body condition and prevent obesity. Call us today to schedule your pet’s next appointment.

My pet has been scored as overweight. What now?

Don’t get discouraged! While it takes time to achieve a goal, we can help you with calorie-controlled specific diets or a simple switch in calculated feeding amounts. These in-hospital visits will guide and support you through the entire process so that your pet can reach their fitness goals sooner rather than later.

Are some dog breeds prone to being overweight?

Unfortunately, yes. Dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, Beagles and Basset Hounds are more susceptible to being overweight and obese. On the other hand, breeds like Greyhounds and German Shepherds are usually on the slim side of the scale.

I have tried everything – limiting food, increasing exercise – but my pet is still not losing weight. What should I do?

The best thing is to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Weight gain can be a symptom of an underlying disease like hormonal imbalance or thyroid issues. Only during a proper consultation can we address the root cause of your pet’s weight problems.

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