Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round medication to prevent parasites from damaging your pet’s health.

Parasites such as ticks and fleas may be small in size, but they can cause enormous health problems in your pet. To put it to perspective, just one flea infestation can wreak havoc in your entire household, infecting everyone living and visiting your home, both human or otherwise. The good news is that you can easily (and cost-effectively) protect your pet from parasites with medications that come in different formulations. Parasite prevention includes the prevention of parasites that live on your pet’s skin like fleas, ticks, and mites, as well as those that live within them like intestinal worms and heartworm. Our pets pick up parasites from their mothers, other pets, as well as from their environment. Contact our team today to ensure that your pet is properly protected.

How can you tell if your pet has fleas and/or ticks?

If you look close enough, both ticks and fleas are visible to the naked eye. Once fully grown, fleas often look like black pepper on your pet’s fur – this makes them easier to spot on lightly-coloured pets. Fleas, on the other hand look like small skin tags on your pet’s skin. They grow larger and larger in size as they continue feeding on your pet’s blood. They also change colour from dark brown to grey. Symptoms that you may see in your pet are excessive scratching or licking, hair loss and skin infections.

How do you prevent fleas & ticks in pets?

The best way to stop your pet from getting these parasites is through an effective preventive program. These days, you can choose from topical and oral medications with different dosing schedules. Our team can recommend the formulations that will best suit your needs and lifestyle.

When should my pet get parasite medications?

We start these preventions right away at your pediatric visit then continue in adulthood monthly or seasonally depending on the lifestyle of your pet. We tailor each pet’s parasite prevention plan to their individual needs and risk. Routine fecal and heartworm testing is equally as important as prevention. While prevention is always our first line of defence, testing will identify and prevent possible disease progression as well as transmission to humans.

Do pets need parasite protection in the winter?

Yes! A common myth is that pet’s can go through the colder months without parasite medications. The truth is, fleas, ticks and other pests can survive even in the wintertime. They can live and reproduce comfortably once they find their way inside your garage, balcony, and other areas of your home. If your pet spends time at the groomers, in kennels, doggy/kitty daycare or live with other pets, they are even more susceptible to getting parasites. For this reason, it is highly recommended that pets remain on a preventive plan all year round.

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